Monday 2 April 2012


Here is the rabbit for the same panned shot

The finished and coloured Eagle

Below is the first finished timed draft of the eagle soaring. I'll be showing this to my team before moving on

Firstly starting with sketches form google images which help me understand the body movements and defined features. With the below layout i start animating.
Also adding a caterpillar (basic frames) and also waiting on a group discussion about both animations

-(Will be working on a colour sheet)

 Then adding animation to the panned Exterior shot from the house. I decided to use the most well known symbols of peace and pride, an Eagle. I haven't animated a bird before so this is my first time. I use this layout and make a path for the eagle to fly.

Adding detail and shape to the explosion of leaves




The video shows the appearance in realtime

Improvements with the beginning shot 

We have now got three weeks till a release to public for time to improve on the animation we have got.

Final Shots for the hand in
These are different shots where i have animated the leaves
Here I animated the fire while the girl is trying to warm up

Recently i have been progressing well and i have two layouts to do. 

Below is the layout with the tear drop animation

Here are two different versions of the door way when leaves are entering the room.

I improved the door way to make it look more like a 'door way' rather then a coffin.

After having a talk with tutors over my project, we decided to stop the productions and help others with there work. I am now working with Rachel and Nunu on a project called 'Autumn'.

Heres is Rachel's blog:

The story is about a child abandon in a house in a deserted forest. The film shows how the child's imagination takes over to create and enchanted forest. Full of imagination and nature. She creates a world better then her own and soon remembers where she really is.

For this project i have been the layout and background artist. Working with Rachel's versions already and creating a more stylized and imaginary versions.

Beginning shot

Template to the beginning shot

1 Second frames

2 Second frames 

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Animation; part 2 the entrance

This is the overall beginning to 'The Entrance'
Looking at the clip i have noticed some changes which must be made, for example; time and spacing between frames and the size of the puppy which needs to change near the end of the clip.

and then with a double jump and face expressions

Here is the 1st test of the puppy jumping

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Animation; Part 1, the Entrance

Looking back at the clip for 'The Entrance' I realized time and space issues in part 1. Here is a up to date clip.

Through out February I was worried about character design and creating the emotion. Now in the last week of February, I have a character finished and just needs colour, and I have got the beginning part 1; the Entrance underway. Heres what I've got so far:

final up to date version

I decided that I didn't like the jump from this perspective, so I'll experiment with the jump in the other perspective. The ground perspective I have done in the above clip is better then a side view because it feels more as if your joining the puppy in his adventures rather then watching from the side.

Walk 3

Walk 2

Walk 1

A basic body outline taken from the animatic. After reviewing the the final out come I i decided not to use it.

Monday 27 February 2012

Finalizing Character Design

And now i am currently working on colour palettes for the new design

After a talk with my tutors it was clear I wasn't going to create a 'Disney' styled puppy and have it move in a clear crisp flow. So we came up with a stylized puppy with the facial features of Snoopy the Dog. Here are my drawings.

Friday 10 February 2012

Pheobus and his colours

I've been experimenting with different colours. I was unsure whether to have the short in black and white, but i think the short will be more appealing in colour.

First my Character sheet

Then taking two poses and experimenting with colour

From those colour i've narrowed it down to three colours which i like;

I really like the left and middle colours, so i'll have to experiment with a darker shade for each for the second puppy

First Blonde

And then Brown

Thursday 9 February 2012


After Christmas i was having personal problems and production slowed down. It was only near the end of January that i was able to concentrate on my work. Realizing i wouldn't have enough time for my original idea, i came up with a new idea. An idea which shows the playfulness of the small Puppy.

First coming up with a short showing how a puppy reacts to a ball.

Then i thought to show a more comedy side to the puppy and have him frustrated by a ball which wasn't leaving him alone, and i tested a small run cycle.

And while i was thinking of the right short story i wanted to do i did some run and jump test's

And experimenting with different views and how the body changes

With a Basic Model sheet of what the characters face should look like, and giving him a name Pheobus.

I liked the detailed version of the puppy but they weren't clean or attractive to be as a viewer so i went and drew a cleaner version of the puppy

I was inspired by the "Mini Dachshund Puppy v mirror" clip which was on youtube;
And came up with a small short film involving a Puppy and a Mirror called 'Me and you'
"Me and You"
A small short which shows a puppy, wondering though a room until he sees himself. Confused he begins to believe his reflection is a friend. The viewers will believe he is playing with his reflection, near the end of the short his reflection turns out to be another puppy imitating him. Leaving them both confused.

Here is the First rough storyboard

So them i made a cleaner version of the Short.

Finally getting the story done, my tutor advised me to try and improve my designs of the puppy

This is the lastest Animatic